Jim Cahill is the 62nd Mayor of the City of New Brunswick. He has served continuously as Mayor since 1991. During his tenure as Mayor, New Brunswick has experienced an unprecedented wave of growth and investment that has transformed this once declining industrial City into a thriving 21st Century Urban Center. Mayor Cahill spurred collaborations among the private sector, the City’s health institutions, Rutgers University, Middlesex County, and the City’s redevelopment partner, the New Brunswick Development Corporation, to propel the New Brunswick Renaissance forward with more than $5 billion invested in the construction of new residential, retail, office, educational and healthcare facilities.
Today, these projects provide significant tax relief to homeowners by generating over $24 million in annual revenue to financially support government and community services and public schools. Mayor Cahill also worked to create new housing and homeownership opportunities throughout the City and provide funds for low and moderate-income residents to make needed repairs to their existing homes. Since Mayor Cahill took office, over 4,600 market-rate and affordable homes have been built or rehabilitated citywide, helping New Brunswick become New Jersey’s fastest-growing urban center, according to the 2010 Census. These economic successes have fueled tremendous job growth in New Brunswick. With over 7,000 new jobs created for New Brunswick residents over the past 10 years, the City’s annual unemployment rate is the lowest for New Jersey’s urban centers, despite a national recession.
Under Mayor Cahill, New Brunswick has emerged as the State’s premier Health Care City. New Brunswick is home to internationally renowned researchers, practitioners and facilities including Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Saint Peter’s University Hospital, the Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, the Child Health Institute, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital, and the PSE&G Children’s Specialized Hospital. Partnerships cultivated with these institutions have resulted in a dynamic outreach network that brings its health care services directly into City neighborhoods to the most vulnerable and traditionally underserved populations.
New Brunswick has also experienced an unprecedented drop in crime with the number of crimes cut in half. Mayor Cahill has increased the size of the New Brunswick Police Department and increased the scope of its mission by instituting programs such as DARE, GREAT, Crime Watch, National Night Out, Anti-Crime Unit, bicycle patrols, and marine patrol unit. The New Brunswick Police Department has also achieved accreditation and adheres to the best policies and practices in the nation.